Volunteers and businesses honored at Sultan City Council

By Chris Hendrickson, Contributing writer
Each month, the city of Sultan honors someone in the community who has been recognized for an above-and-beyond level of outreach and volunteerism. The program, called the Volunteer Spotlight, recognizes individuals, groups, organizations and committees. For the month of February, the honor was given to a group of volunteers from the Sky Valley Senior Center in Sultan.
Plans for the senior center began in 2009 with volunteer Bonita Aadland, Sultan Mayor Carolyn Eslick, Doreen Hrabovsky and former Volunteers of America Director Dave Wood.
Currently, the senior center operates from Monday through Thursday with a pancake breakfast on the first Saturday of each month. Marlene Carlson worked closely with Aadlund during the center's beginning, and continues to help her operate the center on a daily basis.
The pancake breakfast is open to the public. Added admission fees from local citizens help to bring in much-needed funding to aid in maintaining the senior center's meal programs.
The Sky Valley Senior Center has approximately 100 members, with roughly between 25 and 60 members coming to visit on any given day throughout the week. Lunch is served during from Monday through Thursday and, like the pancake breakfast, is open to anyone in the public to attend. Non-members pay a slightly higher admission fee for lunch, $6 in comparison with $4 for members, and the extra money goes directly back into the center to help fund the meals.
Around 200 seniors per week enjoy the hot lunch at the senior center which features a salad bar, an entr+¬e, desserts, beverages and a soup line.
Mayor Eslick presented Sky Valley Senior Center Volunteer Bonita Aadland with a certificate of appreciation.
"Bonita, I just commend you for all the hard word you've done.-áYou have been an amazing volunteer there,GÇ¥ said Mayor Eslick. "We, in the community, can't thank you enough for filling that need... and sticking to it.GÇ¥
Other senior center volunteers received acknowledgement for their volunteer work, including Marlene and Ole Carlson and Jesse "Bud' Mock.
The Sky Valley Senior Center is located at 617 1st St. in Sultan, in the large A-frame building.
In the spirit of the Volunteer Spotlight, the city also seeks to recognize and highlight local businesses each month with the Business Spotlight program. Honored for the month of February was Sultan Pharmacy and Natural Care, which is owned and operated by Pharmacist Greg Hovander.
Hovander's mission as a pharmacy owner is to help both people and animals become healthier through natural remedies, as well as traditional medications.
Hovander, a licensed pharmacist, is extremely well-versed in the field of naturopathy. He is also educated in a technique referred to as compounding, which is the customization of prescription medications in an effort to better suit a patient's needs. Hovander's primary interests lie in naturopathic medicine, and he has even taught a pharmacognosy course for naturopathic physicians at Bastyr University located in Kenmore.
Pharmacognosy is the study of medicines derived from natural sources and ingredients.
Hovander offers consultations in an effort to give a level of personal care to patients, and to help them achieve optimal health through natural foods and supplements.
Mayor Eslick presented Hovander with a certificate honoring his business. He thanked both the mayor and council for their recognition.
"I'm overwhelmed and very appreciative,GÇ¥ said Hovander.
Sultan Pharmacy is located at 505 W. Stevens Ave. in Sultan. To set up a consultation, contact Hovander at (360) 799-2383. For further information on his services see: http://sultanpharmacy.wordpress.com/.


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