When to hire a trainer

If you've paid for gym memberships that you've never used, you're not the first.
For people who need a little extra help getting motivated, a personal trainer can be just the thing, said Meghan Manning, personal trainer and owner of Health Happenings in Monroe.
"There are two reasons people will hire a trainer," she said. "One is that they have gone on their own and are not disciplined enough to stick with it and don't see results. The other is that they get injured a lot, so they hire a trainer to avoid the injury because they don't know what they are doing and overdo it."
The accountability factor is the biggest factor, she said.
"It's that accountability and that coaching, so you don't slack off and don't show up at all for a couple weeks," said Manning. "To maintain that consistency is one of the big factors."
Also, for people who don't want to work out in a gym but who don't want to take time to study fitness on their own, it's helpful to get an expert, she said.
I don't want to learn accounting so I have an accountant," she said. "You hire people for skills you don't want to take the time to learn about. People don't want to sort the massive amount of information that's available. They want to come in, do what they are told and leave."
A trainer can help people who are training for specific sports, too, such as runners hoping to increase endurance.
And training can be wonderful for people concerned about hanging onto their independence as they age.
"People want to do what they do 10, 20 or 30 years down the road," Manning said. "They want to keep on hiking, do all those things they want to do in the golden years."
Training is a bit more expensive than gym memberships typically are. Expect to pay about $70 per session for individual training, or $40 per session for small group training.


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