County Council approves drainage district legislation

The Pierce County Council Groundhog Day meeting was a quick affair — some 30 minutes — that saw council members clarify provisions of the Pierce County Code related to service charges for agricultural lands, exemptions to certain federally owned and tribal lands and establishing service charge credits for certain drainage districts.

The council did so in the form of a 7-0 vote to pass Proposal No. 2020-143.

A special purpose area like a drainage district is one in which government collects taxes or fees for a specific purpose — in this case, water drainage.

Melissa McFadden with Pierce County Planning and Public Works was on hand to explain the net effect of the legislation.

“The overall impact is ultimately a savings to those folks who are assessed for both the drainage district fee and the surface water fee,” McFadden said. “So those people will experience a reduction in their surface water fees. So that’s the revenue loss to the county associated with a gain to our ratepayers who are also located in drainage districts.”

In other news, Council Chair Derek Young said there would be an upcoming report on priorities for the year based on the County Council’s retreat the previous week.


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