County Council OK's home ownership measure

Seeking to act on the new Democratic majority’s plans to champion affordable housing, the Pierce County Council at its May 25 meeting passed an ordinance amending and repealing sections of the Pierce County Code to provide design and layout flexibility of residential development to support infill and redevelopment to increase entry-level home ownership opportunities.

Proposal No. 2021-35 — addressing everything from urban design to construction and infrastructure regulations to parking and more — is an effort “to try to get attainable housing within Pierce County” for those priced out of the market, as described by Councilmember Dave Morell.

“I think this gets us closer, and I guess we will have to monitor it and really see if it’s effective and it’s being used,” he said. “If not, I think this council needs to take a hard look at adding some more flexibility to it.”
Council Chair Derek Young echoed those sentiments.

“Having price points that people can enter the market at is going to be a kitchen sink thing,” he said.

In a related issue, the council also passed a resolution accepting the action plan crafted by the Ad Hoc Committee to End Homelessness. The action plan addresses project scope, public engagement and recommends funding in the amount of $250,000.

Other council actions include passing the annual approval of the Pierce County Historical Preservation Grant Fund disbursement, as well as an ordinance placing Gig Harbor’s Olson Farm on Pierce County’s Register of Historic Places. The council passed a resolution recognizing the Pierce County Library System’s 75 years of service.


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