County approves property tax increase for next year

The Pierce County Council approved a 1 percent property tax increase for 2023 at its Nov. 15 meeting.

Having adopted the 2022-23 biennial budget, the council is now reviewing planned expenditures and revenue for next year and has determined that more money is needed to adequately fund public safety and justice service programs.

The Washington State Constitution limits the annual rate of property taxes that may be imposed on an individual parcel to 1 percent of its true and fair value. Given that taxes are stated in terms of dollars per $1,000 of value, the 1 percent limit translated into $10 per $1,000.
“This was given a do-pass recommendation at the Nov. 3, 2022, committee of the whole,” senior analyst Paul Bocchi told the council prior to the vote on the ordinance.
He explained that the finance department estimates the tax increase will bring in nearly $2 million.
All seven members of the Pierce County Council voted to approve the ordinance.


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