Eatonville School Board member Ashley Sova and student representative Dylan Norman enjoy an Eatonville Middle School student-led robotics presentation at board study session on Feb. 8.
Allison Burslem
At the Feb. 8 Eatonville School Board study session, Eatonville Middle School Principal Tim Leipold and administrative intern Allison Meines presented the EMS School Improvement Plan to School Board members and district personnel. The EMS administrative team was joined by CTE teacher Michael Sniezak, ASB students and Leadership students including Rylin Caramandi, Delaney Lengenfelder, Alora Holmes, Teagyn Becker and Ryleigh Body.
The meeting included an engaging presentation by ASB and leadership students that focused on student activities and community service projects. Mr. Sniezak then introduced a student-led robotics demonstration highlighting EMS enrichment and CTE programs and projects.
The remainder of the presentation was shared between Mr. Leipold and Mrs. Meines. Mr. Leipold presented EMS operating systems and data supporting the school improvement plan with a particular emphasis on goals for the remainder of the 2023 school year and beyond. Mrs. Meines highlighted accomplishments of students and staff, as well as ongoing plans to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of EMS staff and students. The presentation concluded with Mr. Leipold expressing his gratitude to the Eatonville school board and superintendent for engaging in the process of strategic planning as a key step in aligning schools and staff to better serve the students and families of Eatonville.
The school district's mental health therapists also presented to inform the board and community of the resources offered to students.
Last month, the EMS Leadership class hosted a Martin Luther King Jr. assembly and recognized the School Board Directors for School Board Appreciation Month.
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