Local author, 90, writes first book

Provided to The Dispatch

A local 90-year-old author, Dorthea B. Jacobsen, wrote a book for the first time, which was released earlier this year.

The book is about her life and the people she knows. Jacobsen used to write poems for the Dispatch paper when the paper had a poetry section for a while. Two years ago, Jacobsen decided to write and publish a book on poems and short stories about her life and the people she knows.

When asked what made her decide to write a book, Jacobsen says, “I decided to years ago to publish my poems and went around and asked people I know how to get published.”

Jacobsen appears to enjoy sharing her poems with the world.

The book was two short stories, a memoir, and 109 poems. The poems Jacobsen wrote are the poems she began writing since 1980.

“I’ve been writing poems since the third grade when my teacher introduced them in the classroom, and I’ve been reading and writing poems since,” she said.

Jacobsen decided to further her education in writing by taking some writing classes at Pierce College in Fort Steilacoom.

Jacobsen also seems to enjoy studying other poets and stated that Robert Frost is her favorite poet because she can understand what Frost wrote about in his poems, while other poets tend to have their readers guessing what they are writing about.

 “Yes, I’m interested in writing more, and I’ve got more poems I haven’t published yet,” she said when asked if she will write and publish more books.

The book is titled “Bringing the Love,” and it is available for purchase on Amazon. The book can be purchased in hardcover and digital versions. The cover of the book has a picture of Jacobsen herself in her younger years.


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