Public can help design Frederickson park

Another stop toward adding a new public park in south Pierce County will be taken Dec. 7 when county officials listen to citizens’ suggestions for development of the proposed Cross Park in Frederickson.

A meeting scheduled for Dec. 7 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Cascade Building at Pierce County Skills Center, located at 16117 Canyon Road E., will focus on initial development of 3.5 acres on the north end of the park property along Military Road. The area includes barns from a former farm.

Input from the public on plans for that part of the park will help refine a master plan that includes interior floorplans for buildings, parking, trails for walking, playground equipment, picnic shelters and lawns.

The master plan was presented by the county Parks and Recreation Department on Sept. 20 during another public meeting at Clover Creek Elementary School.

The land for the park is at 4418 Military Road. Support for the project has come from community members and organizations. The latter include Frederickson-Clover Creek Community Council and Friends of Stan and Joan Cross Park, a fund-raising group named for the couple who sold land for the park to the county in 2003.


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