School board, other local offices need candidates

If you live in the Eatonville School District or the Ashford, Clear Water and Elbe water districts and want voters there to have a full range of choices in the election this fall, you have a second chance to be one of those candiidates. A special three-day candidate filing period will be held Wednesday, Thursday and Friday through the elections department of the Pierce County auditor. State law requires more days to sign up for elected offices that don't draw any candidates during the regular filing period. That's the case for the Director District 2 seat on the Eatonville School Board, Ashford Water District Commissioner Position 1, Clear Lake Water District Commissioner Position 2 and Elbe Water District Commissioner Positions 2 and 3. No one filed when the first call for candidates went out for five days May 13-17 . For this week's three-day extension, in-person filing will be from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the county's Election Center at 2501 S. 35th St. in Tacoma. Online filing will end Friday at 4 p.m. The School Board and the Ashford and Elbe water districts went through this in 2011, too. Each had at least one seat that initially were unwanted. Ashford, which had two such openings, and Elbe (one) found candidates in extra filing periods. But the School Board never did, resulting in the incumbent, Kirk Heinz, serving temporarily until Jeff Lucas was appointed last year to replace him. Lucas is running unopposed for election to the seat this year. Board member Bob Homan isn't seeking re-election to the seat that's candidate-free so far this year. Candidate eligibility and voters who can cast ballots for that seat must live in a specific part of the district. The water commissioner positions that have no candidates are currently held by Rick Johnson in Ashford and Julie Clark and Gayle Adams in Elbe. The primary election will be held Aug. 6. The general election will be on Nov. 5. A combined 15 towns, school districts, fire districts, water districts and sewer districts in Pierce County will try this week to get people this week to run for candidateless offices. They include the town of South Prairier, which has no one for mayor and one council position, the city of Roy, Dieringer School District in the northeast portion of the county, the Crystal Mountain and Greenwater fire districts, and the Burnett, Elkhorn, Kopachuck Ridge Estates, McKenna and Valley water districts, and the Crystal Mountain Sewer District.


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