Assume other drivers aren't paying attention

Dear Editors,
Yesterday, it took-ámany of us-áhours to get home.-áMy 35 mile drive-átook almost four hours due to, in-ásuccession, a five-car fender bender on East I-90, a roll over that closed two lanes of North 405 at SE 8th, another earlier-áaccident at 160th on 405-á(a real hot spot)-áTHEN a double fatality on 522. On a clear, dry afternoon, no less.
What makes me most angry are the drivers who refuse to PAY ATTENTION, maintain their vehicles and/or drive as if theirs is the only destination that matters-áwhile-áassuming the rest of us can-áread their minds.-áThese jack-asses hurt and kill people in too-ápreventable-ácrashes.
Due to actually witnessing-áthe following-áoffensive driving tactics-áand a few-áfrightening experiences at the hands of other drivers in the last few decades,-áI feel the need to-áassume that-á90% of-áother vehicles on the road-áare driven by a drunk, stoned, texting, eating, make-up applying, child-tending, tweeting, selfie-taking,-ásleep deprived, late-running, nail-polishing, dashboard musician, angry, lost-ámoron in order to make it anywhere safely.
We, as individuals,-áare our own best defense when it comes to driving safely.
Margaret Gibson Monroe


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