Bearcat Beat | Monroe High School as busy as ever this month

Two weeks ago, on Feb. 20, Monroe High School (MHS) ASB students hosted Mr. Monroe, which is a boys' beauty pageant. The winner was Drew Bone. The audience was asked to donate to their favorite contestant and a portion of the proceeds went to the Frank Wagner Auditorium.
Last week, FCCLA hosted a coin drive. Students donated change at lunch, and all of the proceeds went to the pregnancy resource center. In addition, Yoforit Frozen Yogurt hosted a fundraiser on Feb. 25 for the senior class party.
Last week was also the second Tedster on Tester on Feb. 26 in the PAC. Carl Wilkens spoke to those who attended about his experience with the Rwandan Genocide. He refused government support to come home to America, and stayed as the last American in Rwanda to save the lives of two local friends. He proceeded to save the lives of many others in Rwanda. In addition, Zana Burnett spoke about her experiences volunteering in Cambodia, and Breen Kutchan and Emily Maaran spoke about their journey from Iraq to America.
Macho volleyball was last week as well. This is an event in which boys are allowed to assemble teams to play in a school-wide volleyball tournament. This year, the Spashy Tunas took the win for the second year in a row. Congratulations to Sam Burke, Andrew Chartrand, Mitchell Higgins, Alex Johnson, Alex Spahman and Andrew Zimmerman!
DECA has a lot going on this month. Members who qualified for state are competing this weekend, March 5 through March 7. DECA members who are not going to state will sell spirit gear to Park Place Middle School students during both of their lunches on March 6 and March 13. "I am excited to give them the opportunity to buy orange-and-black gear because I remember in middle school going to football games and wishing I had "cool' spirit clothes like the high school students,GÇ¥ said student Jami Langston. Good luck to the competitors this weekend!
Bearcat Buddies will end March 11. Ms. Tenney, the elementary advisor, says, "I can't say it enough - the group of big buddies this year has been amazing!GÇ¥ Bearcat Buddies is a club where high school students tutor and mentor fourth-and fifth-graders. To get involved for next year, high school students can talk to Ms. Sarr, and elementary kids can speak to Ms. Tenney.
There is a new club that has started up at MHS called Ukulele Club. Participants meet Thursdays after school and play the ukulele. If you don't know how to play or don't have one, you can still attend and people will teach you to play. There are instruments available to share. Starting clubs is a way for MHS students to not only express themselves, but also share their passions with other students, and create a more inclusive student body.
Link Crew will be collecting spirit gear through the end of the year to resell as a fundraiser. If you have old spirit gear you are no longer using, bring it to Room 701.
This week is Classified Student Appreciation Week, so make sure to take special notice of staff that may not get recognition.
Spring sports are beginning Monday, March 2. Anyone participating in track, girls tennis, softball, baseball or golf needs to check the sheet outside of the office to make sure they have been cleared to play.
Only 23 school days until Spring Break (starting April 3), 60 school days until the Class of 2015 graduates (June 6) and 65 school days until school is out for all other ages (June 15)!


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