Focus on Seniors: Coming events and car stuff

By Holly Glen Gearhart
The second half of the photography course offered through ECSC's Boomerang program gets underway this evening at 6:30 p.m., as does a new course on massage.
On next week's agenda for the Boomerang program is sake tasting, sushi making and chair massage.
Other upcoming classes include legacy writing April 9, retirement planning April 16 and chair massage April 23.
Tax season for 2012 is still upon us; the ECSC can help you get assistance with your taxes only until April 9, so call the center to get an appointment. Heads up to seniors: if you are or were taking college courses, don't forget to secure your tax form from your college stating what expenses you paid. There is an attractive tax credit for college for students of all ages.
Spring is here, snow or no snow, so make time for a visit to your local auto shop or auto parts store. Have your battery, belts, and antifreeze levels checked. Tires can lose air inflation due to changes in temperature. Stop by a parts store and pick up a tire pressure gauge, check your car manual or find out online what your tire pressure should be and add air if the numbers are different.
Did you know that all tires have their range of PSI readings printed on them? PSI is the tire pressure that tire has been tested at and the manufacturer recommends. Five or ten pounds of air more or less can take a toll on the tire and your pocket book, and tire pressure can adversely affect your miles-per-gallon of gasoline. Check the condition of your air and gasoline filter, the car's alignment and front and back end wear and tear; have these checked out and corrected, at least, on an annual basis.
To take Boomerang classes or to access any other ECSC programs, visit the East County Senior Center at 276 Sky River Parkway in Monroe. For more information give Jacob a call at (360) 794-6359.


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