Last Leaf Productions' Shakespeare in the Park returns

For the last 18 years, Monroe-based theater Last Leaf Productions has been bringing its two-performance, summertime Shakespeare in the Park series to different venues around the region.

This year's Shakespeare in the Park Monroe performances will be featured at the Wagner Performing Arts Center. A performance of "Love's Labour's LostGÇ¥ takes place 5 p.m. Sunday, July 17, and "Henry IVGÇ¥ at 5 p.m. Sunday, July 24.

Last Leaf is a nonprofit touring theater group created in 1999 to "bring the magic of live theater to communities and classrooms where there was little or no access to live theater productions.GÇ¥

"Love's Labour's LostGÇ¥

"Love's Labour's LostGÇ¥ tells the comedic tale of the King of Navarre and his three companions after they decide to dedicate themselves to three years of study and fasting, far away from the company of women. Suddenly, a beautiful princess shows up and their plans for chastity are hilariously interrupted. Written in the mid-1590s, the play achieved notoriety for its use of the longest word in the English language, honorificabilitudinitatibus, which is the plural form of the word "honorificabilitudinitas,GÇ¥ which is "the state of being able to achieve honors.GÇ¥

"Henry IV:Part 1GÇ¥

"Henry IVGÇ¥ details the adventures of King Henry, who is disappointed in his wayward son, Prince Hal, for drinking in bars and spending his time with notable miscreants. His son's closest friend is a man of ill repute named Sir John Falstaff, a corrupt drunkard with an exceedingly poor reputation. The story follows along as Hal is faced with battle and must grow up quickly and begin to act with nobility. -á -á

For a complete list of Shakespeare in the Park performances, visit, or the Facebook page at


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