Local student to compete in FCCLA Nationals

Monroe High School junior Morgan Skoog's sewing and presentation skills have earned her a place at the national competition of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). She will compete with students from all over the country July 5-10 in San Antonio, Texas.
Her entry in fashion construction won the gold medal at the state FCCLA competition in the spring.
The winning design is an original steampunk costume, with a buffled skirt and jacket in deep chocolate brown, and an underbust corset in black, with leather lining and an overlayer in transparent orange. The jacket features peacock feathers for the trim.
Students are graded on the basis of eight skills they demonstrate through their project and presentation. "You have to be formal, but also relaxed,GÇ¥ Skoog said. "It's a professional setting, but you have to seem like you are really confident. I think that being confident and my piece really made a difference.GÇ¥
Skoog attributes her success this year to her experience in the state competition last year. She entered a ballroom gown in this event, and received a silver prize. "So I had experience with competing, putting the presentation board together and presenting,GÇ¥ she said.
FCCLA is a youth leadership organization offered through Family and Consumer Sciences Education in the United States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and overseas. Skoog has been a member of the Monroe High chapter of FCCLA since the beginning of her sophomore year


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