Monroe Library hires new managing librarian


The Sno-Isle Library branch in Monroe welcomed a new managing librarian this summer.
Phil Spirito, who has been on the job for about six weeks now, was hired to take the place of Managing Librarian Betsy Lewis, who retired in July.
After 20 years in Chicago, Spirito and his wife, Libby, decided they wanted to be closer to her family, who live in the Seattle area. They are currently in the process of selling their home in Chicago, and hope to purchase a home in the Monroe area with some breathing room for Libby to pursue her horticultural aspirations.
Spirito received his Master's degree in Library Sciences from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Graduate School of Library and Information Science, and recently worked as the Adult Services Manager at the Indian Trails Library District in a Chicago suburb called Wheeling.
Spirito has been working on becoming acclimated to the Monroe community.
"So far it's been great,GÇ¥ said Spirito. "Una at the Chamber has been amazing; she immediately hooked me up with a million different events to go to.GÇ¥
Una Wirkebau-Hartt is the Director of the Monroe Chamber of Commerce.
In addition to judging the Monroe Fair Days Parade, Spirito has been given the opportunity to spend time with both Monroe Mayor Geoffrey Thomas and Monroe School District Superintendent Dr. Ken Hoover.
"I'm the new guy, but I feel very welcomed,GÇ¥ said Spirito. "Everybody I've met has been great.GÇ¥
Originally from Maine, prior to achieving his Master's degree, Spirito attended the University of Maine and received a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. While in pursuit of his first degree, Spirito worked extensively in the food service industry and eventually became a professional chef.
He next spent about 10 years in the information technology industry working for a Chicago-based networking company. Eventually, he came to realize that there might be a way in which he could combine his most revered career aspects into one perfect job. Into a blender he tossed his love for information and technology, his passion for reading and English literature, and his desire to help people.
Out of the blender tumbled a potential career in library services.
"So I went back to school and got my Master's and got into libraries,GÇ¥ said Spirito.
Spirito worked for several years in Chicago-area libraries, and then made the decision to apply for the position in Monroe. With his wife's interest in farming and agriculture, Monroe seemed like the perfect place to set up shop.
The role of a managing librarian is multi-faceted and includes a diverse range of responsibilities including the day-to-day logistics of running the library, handling security issues, answering procedural questions, implementing library policy and more.
But most of all, it's about helping people.
"My main role, really, is about service,GÇ¥ said Spirito. "It's about engaging with the community, and about making sure that we're out there giving the best service possible.GÇ¥
Spirito sees his mission as providing exceptional customer service and advocating for all the different services that the library provides.
He explained that people are typically aware of the fact that they can come to the library for books, movies, and other library resources which are available digitally as well as physically. But what people often don't realize, is that they can come to the library for job-seeking advice, small business resources, resume assistance, ESL services and much more.
Spirito says that the services they provide for free at the library can exceed the quality of the same services offered in the private business sector, which can typically end up being quite costly; things like printing services, small business support, resume tips and even technical support.
"We're more knowledgeable, we're better listeners and we're more engaged in the idea of helping rather than the idea of selling,GÇ¥ said Spirito. "What we're here for is to give information help, and it's all free.GÇ¥
"This library system is very much geared towards helping people and making the process as easy as possible,GÇ¥ he continued. "It's a great place to be; I feel like I'm in library heaven!GÇ¥
One thing he's working on implementing is a series of technology classes structured to teach people how to utilize the library's full spectrum of electronic media and other electronic resources. Digital movies, television shows, books and magazines are all available and can even be accessed through smart phones and other tablet-type devices.
Spirito explained that library customers can check out movies right from their homes, without even leaving the comfort of their living rooms. And by utilizing one of many free library apps that are available, customers can check out books or audio CDs right from their smartphones.
"I'm excited to help promote that more,GÇ¥ said Spirito.
In his free time, Spirito enjoys being a professional musician. With his current project, a solo project called oRSo, he sings and writes songs, and plays both the guitar and the banjo. During the 1990s he spent time in New York City playing in an indie rock band called Rex. While in Rex, Spirito toured Europe and released several albums.
The Monroe Library is located at 1070 Village Way in Monroe. It is located adjacent to the Sky River Centennial Park and the Monroe Boys and Girls Club. For more information, please visit the website:
Spirito is excited for what his future at the Monroe Library will bring.
"We have a great staff here,GÇ¥ said Spirito. "I feel really lucky.GÇ¥


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