Senior Focus: Boomerang is back!

By Holly Glen Gearhart
The new issue of the Boomerang quarterly newsletter is out and there are some changes to note in the Boomerang program.
Boomerang programs will still be offered at ECSC, however membership in the Boomerang series is now separate from that of the Senior Center.
Boomerang is tailored for the over-55 crowd who may not be ready to be designated as "senior citizens.GÇ¥ Perhaps we prefer to classify our generation as the Boomer generation, post WWII generation or remnants of the Flower Power-Summer of Love generation.
There is a new fee schedule and a number of local businesses that offer discounts to Boomerang members. To learn more about this, call Jacob at ECSC.
There will be no change in the dates for the programs; every Tuesday night beginning at 6:30 p.m., the center will host a Boomerang presentation. In celebration of the warmer and lighter season, there are upcoming presentations outdoors, beginning with "Baseball and BrewGÇ¥--eat a hot dog and drink a brew with others at Miracle Field July 2.
Don't forget that, on June 4, Boomerang hosts a wine tasting. While you're there, have a chair massage, as well. Next Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m., bring in your gold and make a small fortune.
Watch this column for more exciting programs. You can get your copy of Boomerang for events through August at ECSC. Membership entitles you to every activity listed in the quarterly newsletter (including two free chair massages) and is only $30 per quarter. You can also pay by the month for only $10 per month, or join for a full year for only $75.
Evening events take place at ECSC at 6:30 p.m. Saturday hikes meet at ECSC at 9:30 a.m. East County Senior Center is located at 276 Sky River Pkwy. in Monroe. Visit, call (360) 794-6359 or email for more information.


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