Sultan-Monroe Freemasons announce 2014 education awards

Larry Foley and the brothers of Sultan-Monroe Masonic Lodge #160 conducted the 2014 Junior Achievement and Outstanding Educator Awards ceremony at Masonic Hall in Monroe on May 13 to honor students and educators from the Sultan and Monroe School Districts.
Sultan School District Superintendent Dan Chaplik and Sultan High School Principal Tami Nesting, along with Monroe School District Superintendent Dr. Ken Hoover and Monroe High School Principal John Lombardi presented awards to their respective high school juniors and outstanding educator.
The following students earned Junior Achievement awards:
Sultan: Pierce White and Ruby Nambo
Monroe: Moises D. Montano, Kianna M. Cooley, Jessica E. Matyas,
Jessica E. Matyas and Torri L. Pownall
Outstanding Educator:
Sultan School District: Scott Sifferman GÇô Sultan High School
Monroe School District: Colin Waller GÇô Hidden River Middle School
Mr. Waller was also awarded the state Educator of the Year Award.
On May 29, Kristina King of Monroe High School was presented with the state Vocational Scholarship ($1000.00).


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