Local teens place in Pierce County Library writing and art competition

Two local teenagers won their divisions Pierce County Library System’s Our Own Expressions Teen Writing and Art Contest. Nearly 900 teen artists, photographers and writers across the county displayed their talent in the contest.

Winning entries from the contest feature such themes as immigration, culture, reconciliation and growing up shared through photos, images and written words.

Professional judges, author Kendare Blake, artist Nikki McClure, photographer Faith Matthews, and Tacoma Poet Laureate Lydia K. Valentine selected the winners, who were awarded cash prizes from the Pierce County Library Foundation. The Library System is displaying the award-winning young authors and artists’ work at expressions.pcls.us and in copies of the winners’ booklet available at Pierce County Libraries and as an e-book through OverDrive.

Eatonville’s Tyson Cornwell won first place in the 11th and 12th-grade division for photography. Cornwell also placed first in the poetry category.

Graham’s Grace Elliott placed first among ninth and 10th graders in the short story category.



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