It was 'psychedelic'

The Pierce County Fair, with a theme of "Psychedelic Summer,GÇ¥ completed its 65th year last Sunday, the last day in a four-day run at Frontier Park in Graham.
In virtually perfect weather (assuming one's preference is temperatures in the 70s and low 80s), fairgoers enjoyed the usual family-oriented entertainment and exhibits.
Among the performers were the Wenatchee Youth Circus, musicians and other entertainers. And youth pet and livestock experts from 4H put on a cat show, dog show, and displays of horse riding, poultry, llama and alpaca fitting and showmanship, pygmy goats and rabbits. Craft and vendor exhibitors also were a mainstay, along with food concessionaires.

As the fair was starting Thursday morning, director Betty Backstrom joked, "It's so quiet. What did we forget to do?GÇ¥


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