Video and book sales benefit community

A video of the stage production of "Timber Town Tales" and the republished book about Eatonville High School's first 100 years are on sale as a community-based fund-raiser.

All proceeds will be used by the Eatonville Community Foundation to assist in strengthening the studies of music, arts and humanities in the Eatonville School District, as well as other needs of schools and the community.

"Timber Town Tales" was performed last May at the school as a decade-by-decade musical revue chronicling the school's  history. The price for the video is $20.

The book, "Eatonville High School Centennial 1916 to 2016," describes and illustrates the school's first 100 years. It includes historic photos and a recounting of various personalities who shaped the direction and vision of the beloved school and the community. The book's price is $20.

One or both of the items can be ordered at or 253-370-3675, or by mailing a letter and check to Eatonville Community Foundation, P.O. Box 1868, Eatonville, WA 98328.

The foundation is a charitable organization working to enhance the Eatonville community.


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