Election 2013: Meet the candidates


By Polly Keary, Editor
Monroe voters will vote in five races this fall, including three city council races, the mayor's race and a county council race.
Ten more candidates for electable positions in Monroe are running unopposed.
In Maltby, voters will vote on the county council race, as well as one contested fire district race.
In following weeks, we will introduce those candidates who are running unopposed, and later in the summer, we will return to the contested races one-at-a-time for in-depth interviews and information.
This week, we briefly meet all the candidates who are in contested races for an overview of the campaign landscape of 2013.
Each candidate was invited to supply a short statement on why he or she has decided to seek the office, and what qualifications and experience that candidate can bring. The candidates are presented in the order their statements were received.
County Council Position #5
Chris Vallo-á
Experience and skills
I have a proven management background working 35 years as a telecommunications manager for engineering operations for a Fortune 500 company and as a licensed real estate broker. I am also a community volunteer, currently serving the Boy Scouts of America Mount Baker Council as an executive board member and as vice president of operations and director of the Cascade Dachshund Club. I served on the United Way Distribution Disbursement Committee and the Lake Stevens Junior Athletic Association. I will draw from my experiences and leadership to inspire positive change, common sense, fairness, and be the voice of reason while serving as your next County Councilman.
Why I decided to run
I care about the people's welfare and prosperity in my community and want to help and serve others for a better tomorrow.-áI will bring new leadership, fresh ideas and a commitment for swift action, working hard on the issues that are important to the people of Snohomish County. Bringing the Boeing 777X to Everett is a key component for this county. Better leadership will mean better results working to improve economic viability, resolve transportation issues for highways 2 and 9, and keeping communities safe. The citizens deserve to have leadership than can focus on restoring the economy and working with the community listening and resolving their issues and I can bring that new direction. The key is listening and taking action for the people.
Dave Somers-á
Experience and skills
I graduated from the University of Washington with degrees in fisheries and forestry and spent 22 years as a biologist working to restore salmon runs, clean up Puget Sound, and protect our quality of life. I was elected to the Snohomish County Council in 1997 and am finishing my third term. I apply my background in science to analyze information, and work to assure that everything I do is based on sound information, is fair, and is for the betterment of our communities.
I have worked hard to build bridges between often opposing interests, bringing together builders and environmentalists, Republicans and Democrats, businesses and labor. I believe our common interests far outweigh our differences.
I have served on the boards of the Economic Alliance Snohomish County, Health District, Community Transit, Puget Sound Regional Council, the Puget Sound Partnership, and the state Forest Practices Board.
Why I decided to run
I first decided to run for county council because I felt irresponsible and haphazard development was ruining the county. I wanted to work to assure that Snohomish County remains a vibrant and beautiful place as it grows into the future.
I continue to work to improve our roads and transportation systems, expand educational opportunities for our kids and workers, provide an attractive place for new and existing businesses, make sure new development is well planned, and protect agriculture, open space, and our environment.
We live in a spectacular and wonderful place and I want to pass it onto our next generations in great shape.
Monroe Mayor
Geoffrey Thomas
Experience and skills
My experience demonstrates my dedication to public service, commitment to work collaboratively, and ability to work with the diverse issues our city faces. As mayor, I will draw on 15 years of community leadership experience including as a Monroe city council member, Foothills Homeowners' Association president, planning commissioner, leader in my church and coach. I will also draw on 20 years of professional experience in local government and private business including work with policy and budget development; residential and commercial construction; public works projects; city and county planning; parks and recreation; economic development and the fairgrounds. My positions have included project manager, senior planner, and firefighter. Today, I work for Snohomish County as a senior legislative analyst.
Why I decided to run
I am a husband, father, and resident who is actively involved in our community. I care about the success and direction of our city and I have the experience to work with the diverse issues our community faces. I want serve as a leader who will make a positive difference for our community by working with community leaders and residents; attracting development that meets our community's vision without burdening taxpayers, schools, or neighborhoods; ensuring public safety and delivering the best services we can afford; investing in our roads and parks; and encouraging innovation, great quality development, family-wage jobs and tourism.
Ed Davis-á
Experience and skills
My skills, education and experience include: 5+ years as US Army officer and helicopter pilot; independent business owner; personnel manager of more than 300 employees; eight years as-ácompliance inspector for the-áDepartment of Homeland Security; chairman of the Legislative Affairs Committee at the city of Monroe and member of the Transportation and Planning, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, and Public Safety Committee at the city of Monroe, as well as a degree in Business Administration from the University of Maine
Why I decided to run
For the last two-and-a-half years, I have had the honor to serve the city of Monroe; first as a planning commissioner, and currently as a city council member. In that period I have seen real progress as we have come through some of the most difficult economic times in recent history. Through hard work and wise economic decisions, Monroe is moving forward. The city is not facing insolvency as many cities are throughout the country. It is in fact fiscally strong with reserve funds established and fully funded.
We have found ways to trim the budget while still providing first class service to the citizens of Monroe.
In the past few months several new businesses have opened in the city, while still more are in the process of building or remodeling. I am seeking the position of Mayor because I would like to see this hard work and positive momentum continue.
Council Position 1
Brad Waddell-á
Experience and skills
I retired at the rank of Master Sergeant after serving 20 years in the US Army as a military policeman and completing my military career in the reserves as a Drill Sergeant. Training young soldiers and equipping them with lifesaving skills.
Currently I am employed as a Shift Sergeant with the Department of Corrections at the Washington State Reformatory at Monroe for 21 years. Protecting the community by training and supervising correctional officers is my mission.
I have 12 years experience coaching wrestling, football, and track, serving the youth of Snohomish County by enhancing sportsmanship and ethical work habits in young athletes.
Why I decided to run
I am running for Monroe City Council because I have a heart for the citizens of Monroe and want to provide leadership to enhance our community.
I believe small businesses provide a vital role in our community, adding to the charm that makes Monroe such a special place to live.
Public safety, law and order, and a balanced budget for this community are very important to me. I support our fire, police and hospital facilities critical to our citizens. They need to be at the highest state of readiness, fully staffed and funded.
Kevin Hanford-á
Experience and skills
I have gained valuable experience over the past two years while on the city council. I hold an AA degree, a Management Institute Certificate, and a Leadership Institute Certificate. From 2000 to 2008, I managed an automotive repair shop in Monroe, so I understand the pressures involved in making a small, local business successful. After more than 15 years in business management, I know that my administrative, organizational, and communication skills will be an asset in continuing to serve the city of Monroe, a city I am proud to call "homeGÇ¥.
Why I decided to run
I enjoy serving the city of Monroe by serving on the city council.-áI am very proud to be a part of the many accomplishments, both large and small, that the council has made over the past two years.-á Helping to get the city of Monroe financially back on track and keeping it there has been especially satisfying.-áAs a council, we have all worked well together and made some great progress and I would be honored and would enjoy continuing to be involved as we strive to make Monroe a great destination, where people love to work, play, and live!
Council Position 3
Mike Stanger-á
Experience and skills
I bring 25 years of solid leadership and management experience to the table.-áWorking for Fortune 50 companies such as Microsoft, Novell, Corel and WordPerfect has given me skills and experience necessary to be an effective and efficient leader.-áMy expertise in balancing budgets, project design, planning, negotiation, risk management and communication sets me apart.-áI look forward to using my education, skills and experience to tackle the issues facing Monroe head-on.
Why I decided to run
I am very excited to have an opportunity to serve the community as a city council member. My family has been part of the Monroe community since 1997 and we love it here.-áI am invested in ensuring that Monroe remains family-friendly, our neighborhoods remain safe, our community is prosperous and the city is fiscally sound.-áI'm excited about the direction the city has set.-áStepping up to serve Monroe in this way and be a part of the "adventureGÇ¥ is the next logical step for me.
Jeff Rasmussen-á
Experience and skills
To my council position, I would bring several years of leadership and business development experience in the banking and financial services industry. As a leader that specializes in small business banking and mortgage lending, I understand the importance of contributing to the community that I work and live in. Currently, I am serving as past president of the Snohomish Chamber of Commerce. This comes after serving nearly three years as president. I most recently gave back to our Monroe community by serving on the Monroe Parks Board where I was also elected to the chair position.
Why I decided to run
I have always had a passion for serving the community that I live in. Serving on the city council provides the opportunity to continue to represent my community and provide a healthy, open-minded voice our residents deserve. Being able to offer an open government environment will help bring the residents of Monroe and our local leaders together and unified. I hope that by doing this as a council member, this will also inspire others to serve our community openly and without fear. As a council member, I will continue to promote and support the continued growth of our community in a way that makes sense for our local businesses and of course our residents. I am running for our community.
Council At-Large
Kurt Goering-á
Experience and skills
My 22 years of common-sense private sector experience as a business manager, software designer and problem solver, coupled with my background in urban planning and cartography, give me a unique skill set and viewpoint. As an experienced council member, I understand how successful city government works, and fully support the city's out-of-the-box approach of promoting public-private partnerships and economic development for long-term success. Additionally, my educational background and strong community ties equip me to serve Monroe well.
Why I decided to run
I am excited to have an opportunity to continue serving the city of Monroe. Having lived here for 15+ years and raising a family here, I am "all in" to make the great things about Monroe even better. I couldn't be more proud of the common-sense direction the city has taken in the last four years, fostering an environment in which businesses can thrive, making wise financial decisions, providing excellent customer service and reducing the burden of government on residents. The city has never been in better hands, top to bottom, and I love being a part of the success.
Daniel Williams-á
Experience and skills
I have a Bachelors of Science in finance from Penn State and am an Army veteran. I recently retired as a commercial airline pilot so that I could stay home with my autistic son and help him to become a contributing member of society. This education and experience makes me well-rounded, grounded and the right individual to support the interests of Monroe's citizens.
Why I decided to run
Over the years I have followed the weekly council meetings and grew increasingly disappointed by the attitude and actions taken by some council members that I had voted for. This, coupled by my interest in government and its processes, motivated me to take action. My goal is to restore the public's confidence in their government. Elected officials are in place to do the bidding of their constituents and not the bidding of special interest friends. The council is there to serve us. It is time to stop the disenfranchisement of our citizens. That is why I am asking for your vote.
Fire District #7 Commissioner (Maltby area)-á
Roy Waugh-á
Experience and skills
My qualifications to serve as a fire commissioner are based on 25 years as a professional firefighter/ paramedic, 12 years as Director of Paramedic Training for the University of Washington at Harborview Medical Center and 20 years as a fire commissioner. During these years serving as your commissioner, I have worked diligently for emergency response enhancements to your fire and EMS coverage, disaster management preparedness, firefighter safety and training, quality assurance and improvement, and continuous oversight of your tax dollars.
Why I decided to run
I have been committed to the health and life safety of the citizens of this fire district since moving to the district in 1973 both as a volunteer firefighter and commissioner. I am currently a strong advocate for regional service delivery and am involved in prehospital EMS research. I serve on the North Region EMS council, National Interagency Board, Washington State Fire Commissioner Education Committee, and the executive board for the Snohomish County Fire Commissioners.
Nancy Travis did not return a questionnaire


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