Upcoming at the East County Senior Center

By Holly Glen Gearhart, Contributing Writer
A new year means new exciting things happening at the East County Senior Center.
Have you wanted to be on TV or see the taping of a television program? Here is your chance. Seattle's own Margaret Larson hosts a weekday program, New Day Northwest, which spotlights local events, activities and personalities.
The East County Senior Center is arranging a trip to the King 5 studios in Seattle for a taping of the show sometime this month. New Day Northwest wants YOU to fill their studio audience and have fun doing so. Join Margaret as she interviews various guests; authors, musicians, fitness and health experts, celebrities and sports stars that make the Northwest a great place to live.
Call (360) 794-6359 or stop by the front desk at the senior center to sign up for this trip.-áSign up soon; this trip is happening soon! The cost to go ranges from $19 - $24.
There are also new programs at the senior center this year.
Jewelry Making Class GÇô
Carol Van Gorder will teach you the art of making a wire wrap necklace. Bring your favorite beads and wire to make that one-of-a kind personalized piece. Call to sign up on the interest list for this upcoming class.
GrandPals GÇô
Monroe Public Schools, the East County Senior Center and the Monroe Public Schools Foundation have partnered to bring the GrandPals program to our area. The senior center bus will take participants up to Park Place Middle School for a free lunch and fellowship with young folks. Sign the list at the ECSC front desk.-áThe next trip is Feb. 20.
Affordable Dental Hygiene by Healthy Smiles -
Healthy Smiles Inc. is providing affordable dental hygiene services for people aged 50+. Come on by for full service teeth and denture cleaning, fluoride application, measuring of gum pockets, oral cancer screening, and referral to a local dentist if needed.-áOne-hour appointments are available the fourth Friday of each month. The cost is $75.00 per visit.
AARP Tax Aid-
Once again, AARP Tax Aids will give us the good, the bad, or the ugly tax news! Get your taxes ready for free at the East County Senior Center on Tuesdays starting Feb. 11, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please call for an appointment as soon as possible.


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